“Love enables us to see, beyond all else, the great worth of a human being. With enthusiasm and joy, we can celebrate all that it means to be part of a family.”
The night of May 4th, room 405 was filled with laughter and songs of praises from my brothers and sisters in Christ until Bro. JM Comia started the talk and lead the prayer. He also encouraged us to read Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love), a lengthy letter that follows the Synods on the Family held in 2014 and 2015. Everyone in the room attentively listened and silently prayed as I scanned every corner of the venue. Since I seldom join prayer assemblies due to my schedule, I felt that God lead me to join that night and opened my heart and mind to love and appreciate more my family, to forgive each other’s shortcomings, misunderstandings and mistakes.
“Love does not yield to resentment, scorn for others or the desire to hurt or to gain some advantage. The Christian ideal, especially in families, is a love that never gives up.”
Year 2017 is the Year of Faith and one of the highlights of Pope Francis’ teaching is about family. I strongly believe that “A family that prays together, stays forever.” It is indeed proven and tested even on my own family and with every single sharer during our prayer assembly on that night. Guest sharers proudly shared their own family stories on how they overcome each struggles they have encountered through the years, they dished out how God transformed and molded each member of their families to become a good Christian and a role model to the Christian community, which for me was very inspiring and heart-warming. Everyone got teary eyes including me when our fellow brother and sister in Christ shared their stories and how grateful and blessed they are with their supportive and loving family, it made us missed even more our families back home.
We all know that there is no perfect family, that there are different various of families in our societies nowadays- but we also know that the Lord our God does not look at our imperfections and failures. I found this quote from the Pope’s exhortation as my favorite, “ I thank God that many families, which are far from considering themselves perfect, live in love, fulfill their calling and keep moving forward, even if they fall many times along the way.”
May God Be Praised!
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