I admit I am one of the people who are not reading the bible daily. What is ignorance? Ignorance is lack of knowledge or information. Reading bible is one of the powerful tools to communicate to God because everything written in the bible is the word of God.
During our last household this May, we shared about our reflection and experiences about reading the bible. I know that I don’t read bible daily but I am trying my best to give time for opening the last page I was stop to read it. And my experience when I read the bible especially when you start with Genesis, you will know everything that happen from the beginning. You will find out when circumcision started, when Abraham started to give tithes, when Noah build an Ark and all the descendants of Jesus.
Another thing is you will find out all the stories in the bible and what the real meaning of every bible verse. Everything is in the scripture so that if we want to find more about our God, start to read it. In the beginning, we will find difficulties to read in daily basis. I myself am also in this situation but I am trying my best to read and understand as best as I can because this is the only way to know who is God.
My very first bible was a gift from my Indian colleague when I was in Dubai but for how many years it was a display only beside my laptop. I never try to read it from page to page, I only opened it when I need some bible verse. Most of the time, I used Google to search for a bible verse when I want it but I never read what is the meaning of this in full.
But when I join SFC, I remember in Talk 10 which is ”Growing with the Holy Spirit”, Sis Kate talked about these powerful tools. The second tool which is the study of scriptures; Sis Kate said that another way of communicating to our God is through study of scripture. Yes prayers is the most powerful tool but it will give you more knowledge and ideas how God created everything.
I know I am not the perfect model of reading scripture but with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, soon bible will be party of my daily life and basis of getting information and knowledge by reading it every day.
And with that I am Bro Dada SFC Abu Dhabi Chapter B1
May God be praised!
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