“Put on the full armor of God, so you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.”
- Ephesian 6:11
Christian Life Program is about to start in few months. SFC Chapter B2 held a CLP Training last April 17, 2017. This training is a good opportunity for us (new members) to start serving our new brothers and sisters who will join the community and to continue to serve others as well. It aims to prepare everyone in the community to evangelize others brothers and sisters. It’s a privilege to us to be part of the said training for we have learned to fight in life’s battle.
In talk 1, Tito Edwin Moralde discussed about Evangelism and Spiritual Warfare. To evangelize others, we just need to be humble enough and always seek for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Tito Edwin have made some comparison with the world’s current situation with the CLP. He emphasized that the opposition will always be around but with the spiritual weapons and spiritual protection that God gave to us, we can win the battle. And through our prayers for ourselves and for others, we can overcome all the better struggles in our life.
Talk 2. Sis Dia Delos Trinos from Chapter A2 shared about the CLP itself. In this part, we were asked about the titles of 12 talks in the CLP. We did not remember all but thanks to our leaders, they helped us to recall the rest. In addition, she discussed also some do’s and donts to every service teams and most especially to the Music Ministry which sets the mood of the program. And she taught us some strategies to get the attention of participants. In serving them, let’s just be humble because we are doing this for Him to give back all the glory and graces He showered upon us. And by doing this wholeheartedly, we will grow more and He will work powerfully in our life.
Talk 3 was focused on “How to Handle Discussion Group”. This talk was discussed by Sis Daryl Magdadaro. The roles of a DGL has been highlighted on this part. She made an activity and gave us the chance to experience in front. Leaders were the first who portrayed the different roles followed by us (new members). It was nice experience for us to realize the important things to consider during the program. With this activity, some questions were raised and thanks to our leaders because they were able to clarify those things to all of us so that in the upcoming CLP, we are more aware and prepared.
Every day is our chance to evangelize. A simple smile can change someone’s life. Let us use our everyday life to train ourselves to evangelize more brothers and sisters to survive in every battle in our life.
May God be praised!
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