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HouseHold Head Orientation By: Sis. Edilyn Sucgang

 Last 9th March & 20th March we had our Household Head Orientation Talk for Chapter B2
Into this talk it has filled our mind to know who we are as a servant or what a Christian Service is and being Household head or leader is all about. We come to know that we serve not only for ourselves but for The Almighty God. It is not what you do but who or what you are as you do it.  We serve the Lord regardless of ourselves and which you are also to be focused on what is the posture of our heart when it comes to service. This talk had opened my eyes towards my own service it got me through on those questions in which I really am when it comes to service. 

Apart from it they do introduce what is household all about and what we should do in household? Why we should prioritize household?

It was told that by means of household helps us to practice our pastoral side and builds our faith to the Lord it also let us share our personal experience with the Lord and as well provides friendship with our fellow brothers and sisters. In this we got to know how to build a relationship towards not only with our household members but as well as with our co-chapters.
It was really a great privilege by feeding us with this kind of information and en-nourishing us into being a Christian leader someday.  They say being a head or a leader means you are in the leading position, by means of teaching and leading our brothers and sisters towards God’s plan. 

As stated in the bible verse:
          Proverbs 11:14
“Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.”

Meaning in order to achieve the victorious Glory of the Lord we should let ourselves guided by our Household Leaders, Unit Head and Chapter Leader. By this we have to practice the inner leader towards us by starting to rebuild ourselves changing our favourite sins and enhance into what God wants us to be. It would be a roughly road towards perfections but as soon as we tried God will eventually pour blessing over your hard work. I myself may say that I’m on process because being in this community is huge turn of experience and I got to learn so many things which have been moulding me towards being a good follower of God. The Lord our God hands His way to lead me in how to be His servant, how to give back what He has given me. At first, it was a culture shock of happiness and excitement into having friends knowing you are already serving by means of sharing your talent as a part of Creative Ministry, but I was wrong. 

It is true that you will  notice that God was trying to say to you through his steps in order to become what he really had made you, I myself has been struck by the question "why are you serving the Lord?" it is like asking me why am I here in the community? To think that I am barely know anything about being in this kind of community. But then as they say "many are called but few are chosen" God has leaded me to the right path where I can showcase what He has given me. He has enlightened me what is really my purpose in this community aside from being a friend or a companion or a member. He is tapping me to become his servant; He is tapping me to follow him. He has given me trials to encourage me to become the better version of me. Coming from a person who doesn't know how to pray, and doesn't know how to read the bible and doesn’t pray the rosary. He is holding my hand to lead me where I really belong.

Like me, we are called to do God’s work by means of doing what He has taught us, this community will be our foundation into releasing the heart of being a leader. Being a leader will not be easy but as long as you have God and you aim to your purpose you will succeed in towards your journey. Though it might take a long journey to reach what you are aiming but once you reached it will be all worth it.

And For that May God be praised


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