I honestly had second thoughts about attending this year's SFC National Conference... when I saw the first teaser, I began to reflect on what I have learned in the last conference I attended (MERECON) and was troubled to realize that except for the gist of the workshop I joined, I

It was a very early morning for us that started with the Holy Mass and from the onset, my question was answered. During the homily the priest said "we are called to spread the word by living it'. It was further reiterated in Tito Noli Manuel's opening remarks saying "you are a blessed to be a blessing to others - go out and tell the world of the goodness of God".
Indeed no question will be left unanswered if we learn to open our hearts to receive the answers.
The first session entitled Rekindle by Sis Jen. Umpad took us to memory lane as we reminisced about our Christian Life Program days. It was certainly very nostalgic. I remembered the anxiousness and panic I felt the first time I cam to the CLP. I remember saying 'yes' with teary eyes to coming back the next friday because I felt something stir in my heart while listening to the speaker talk about God's Love. I remember singing at the top of my voice with hands raised in wild abandon during my first praisefest. It was a sentimental moment of retrospection that brought about gladness in my heart - grateful for the people who were instruments that led me to be part of SFC.
The second session called Rejoice by Bro. Jojerry Mercado echoed this year's theme of rekindling the gift by reminding us that serving does not just mean being happy doing what it is that is asked of us but finding true joy while serving by leaning more on God and guarding our joy against the pitfalls or temptations in serving.

Session three aptly called Relentless by Sis. Lanie Montaos reminded us to be tenacious in being God's witnesses. It was also in this session that we are all prayed over in all the aspects of our life. I was deeply moved and felt the power of praying over someone and being prayed for.
The last entitled Fulfill Your Ministry given by Tito Noli Mauel challenged us to be even more unwavering in sharing the gift of being part of teh SFC community to the world. Now with new evangelization areas, Tito Noli told us to re-evaluate "what kind of gift we would want to be and to allow ourselves to be disturbed by God and to find the peace within".
I am greatly blessed to be part of this year's 17TH NATCON because I am again reminded that I was called to be an instrument - a carrier of God's gift to the world in and out of the community.
I am not perfect. I falter and fail but despite our different life realities He calls out to us... in His relentless pursuit for us to have a deeper relationship with Him, God calls us in such a personal manner that we can do nothing but answer the thirst and longing for Him hidden in the very depths of our heart that we have forgotten or sometimes just simply choose to ignore... such is God's unwavering love for us...
... for all of this may God be praised!
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