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EIMAI KATHOLICOS By Bro Jeffrey Bautista and Christian Guevarra

With more than thousand delegates from different  participating nations of middle east and several  countries from Africa, including Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Lebanon, KSA, Seychelles, Kenya, and the host country UAE, all gathered for a big event to glorify and worship GOD.

One Goal, One vision and mission of CFC-Singles for Christ is to adhere and bring all brothers and sisters closer to GOD and to fulfill the mission of teaching outside and inside the community.

I am so overwhelmed because it’s a wonderful and great experience as a first timer attending on this big event which happen to be in UAE as host. Let me tell you the exact same thing when I witness this beautiful event, actually the night before the fellowship, someone calls me If I am available to attend that conference since one of the brother failed to attend because of some offshore work duties. Lucthis I am so thankful to our Lord Father for letting me experience this great feeling.
kily since there is one slot left, my brothers and sisters in the community thought about me and ask if I am available that time. First I had hesitations since I didn’t confirm to attend because of the conflict in work schedule. But suddenly someone pushes me to say “Yes”. It’s quite surreal because God made his own way for me to attend the conference and for

The teaching comprises of 3 sessions that will last for 2 days and I am so eager to listen because I will learn a lot of things from this teaching which I can keep and share in the community.
Before the teaching starts. We had some picture on the stage and after that we enjoy watching the grandiose opening number of the host emirates which is Dubai. The theme are Philippine Festival with a colorful production number. They represent and execute the festival around the country very well.

Session 1: Splendor of our Faith
Speaker: Bro. Noli Manuel

Reason to be joyful being a Catholic 

Suffering without Christ is painful. Suffering with Christ is redemptive and will transform the world. Indeed that we cannot stand alone or be independent without God because sin everything that we do God is always with us no matter what happen.

The Catholic Church has the most important mission in the world and that is to deliver message to all disciples of God in all nations.

The human heart is design by God for God and our heartbeat belongs to God.
 You can never say no to God. He never stops draws us closer to him. He never stops pursuing us.

Distorted Truths
Let us not be out of the flow with this kind distorted truths because we have our own mind setting and let us all have a positive outlook in life because pain is just temporary and God would not allow this pain to destroy the tiny spot in our heart because he love us.

  • Relativism - Walang Pakialam ( Wa-Pa) 
  • Pluralism - Kahit Ano Pwede (Ka-Pwe) 
  • Negativism - Walang Tama Lahat Mali (Wa-Ta-Lah-Ma) 
  •  Skepticism - Tamang Duda (Ta-Du) 

Strong Pillars
  • Creed
  • Sacraments
  • Commandments
  • Prayer

This strong pillars is our solid foundation to put things in order so that we can have a guide to become a better person and children of God. 

After the talk we had a lunch break and we are all happy not just for the food but because of the family in the community having a great time bonded together as one.

The Second and Third Session of Eimai Katholikos were all about the Life of Virtue and Taking a Stand. Amongst the speakers and sharers were Sis. Amor Rafanan a full time pastoral worker, Kenneth Casare from SCF Bahrain, Goldie Maybuena from SFC UAE, Lianjay Sanchez from SFC Kuwait, Riju Agojo from SFC Oman and Bro. Jewel Superable.

Catholicism is who we are and the life of Christ in us. In order to act according to God’s plan, it is important to embrace the four cardinal virtues:

According to St. Thomas, the most important and first cardinal virtue is Prudence because, it is concerned with allowing us to know whether the things we do are right or wrong.

Justice, the second cardinal virtue is the constant and firm will to give what is due to God and treating others with respect.

The third cardinal virtue of Fortitude will lead us to sanctification by offering our difficulties to God and standing up for our beliefs.

Lastly, the virtue of Temperance provides balance in using our resources for our good and the welfare of others.

The theological virtues of Faith (believe in God), Hope (trust in Christ’s promises) and Chastity (love of God and our neighbor) have been bestowed to us by God as they are the foundation of the cardinal virtues and dispose us to live in a relationship with the Holy Trinity.

Catholicism is being the Church of Christ who strives to continue the mission of the apostles and fulfil the goal of communion with God.

We, SFC, are the next generation of CFC towards building a Christ-centered society. Christ is the basis of our hope and our call is to be opened to witness and share the faith by doing good things, being gentle, sincere and by obeying God’s commandments.

We are so grateful and overwhelmed as a person because we manage to do all the activities in the community because serving them is serving our Lord, Father.

Although their is a lot of harassments that we may face and encounter each day but still God continue to magnify his name and love above all, because God continue to loves us no matter what and it will radiate and endure forever and ever. AMEN.

We are Bro. Jeffrey and Bro. Chris, We are SFC, and We are proud Catholic and for that May God be praised.


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