It was an exciting and challenging experience this 26th International Conference 2019 to be held in General Santos City, South Cotabato Mindanao because our flight was cancelled that day. Our flight was rerouted to Davao and from there we need to travel by bus going to Gensan for 3.5 hours.
Thank God we reached the land of Magandang Gensan safely. It was a 3-day conference with the theme “DAYBREAK”. That weekend was full of surprises and affirmation. Attended by 5,300 Singles for Christ from 24 countries.
The ICON started with a celebration of the Holy Mass by Rev. Fr. Ray. He challenged all SFCs to never engage or entertain a dialogue with evil to make the most out of conference. Many have gone through a lot just to get in this conference- cancelled and delayed flights, expensive fares, negotiating leaves at work but it was a definite proof of God’s goodness. Some have fears in their hearts before going to Gensan, but we were in the safest place that time because we were in the presence of God ready to express His goodness.
The first session reminds us of this truth: GOD IS GOOD with our speaker, Evangelization and Missions Office Coordinator, Nic Escalona. We were brought us back to remember God’s goodness from creation all the way to where we were right now. Will not experience God’s goodness when we remain in darkness and sin. How, where and when have we experienced God’s goodness in our lives? Every opportunity in our life is an opportunity to experience God’s goodness. Jesus Christ is the ultimate manifestation of God’s goodness.
On Day 2 we attended different workshops:
The Family Culture – Preparing for family of my own, understand how their family of origin affects their preparation in building a family of their own. A culture that is anchored in God’s beautiful plan for the family.
Single, Happy and Holy - The call to Holiness in today’s world, as one of the Apostolic Exhortation of our Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exultate. Yes, all of us are called to be holy as Jesus is Holy.
Christ Encounter - Missiology in the context of SFC. In SFC, we are always on mission, so we need to appreciate the history and the beauty of mission. We as Catholic are called to mission in everyday life.
Responsible Voting - As SFC we discern and choose leaders who uphold the same values that we have as Christians. This is part of our mission of building a Christ centered society.
God’s Desire, My Desire - Discernment is the process of making careful distinctions in our thinking about truth. In SFC, we are call to discern in everyday life, we have the ministry, our brothers and sisters who are with us in our discernment.
The Joy of Singleness - The vocation to the Single Life may be lived out either by choice or by circumstance. Some people choose to remain single because they believe this is how they can best serve God and his people.

After our workshop, we have a Holy Mass and Fr. Jun-G stressed that it is our faith in the Lord that makes God more powerful in our lives.
Session 2 entitled “BANQUET OF GOODNESS” with speaker Sis Sheh Canlas, highlighted that the Lord’s goodness should be shared, lived out and meant to be shared to others. The Lord allowed each of our lives to become testimony to others. The lives that we are living gives an impact to the lives of other people. We are all bearers of God's goodness, and the Spirit of the Lord within us cannot be contained within us. A lot of sharers in this talk testified how great the Lord in their lives.
In Session 3, “ROOTED IN GOODNESS”, with speaker Bro Vince Saplot, shared that the life anchored in the goodness of God can remain firm in the faith. What are the joys of staying in the goodness of the Lord:
1.Comfort and Strength - The Lord will never remove our trials and pains - he allows them so we can develop our virtue.
2.Joy in Service – A life without service is a life without joy. When we reside in God’s goodness, gratitude becomes our response and service becomes our expression. Ordinary things done in extraordinary love.
3.Lives Changed – We need to be people who constantly show mercy and compassion to others. We must learn to forgive so we could allow God’s goodness to change others through us. Staying in God’s goodness will help lead others to conversion.
4.Brings out the goodness in others - As Christians we are called to be salt and light of the world. We cannot change the world if we conform to the ways of the world. When we constantly express the love of God to others, we can bring out the goodness in them, even those who are difficult to love.
Remaining and being rooted in His goodness is an act of free will. God can make us good because He loves us. How do we do this? By being FIRM:
FAITHFULNESS in our prayer time
INTIMACY with the Lord through Eucharistic Adoration
REPENTANCE and Asking for Forgiveness
MEANINGFUL Encounter with the Eucharist

Goodness is holiness put into practice. And we are rooted in God's goodness.
Bishop Cerilo Casicas from the Diocese of Marbel opens Day 3 with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. He emphasized that the kingdom of God is already alive, and the primary beneficiary is the poor - how hungry are we to give up our possessions so that the hungry may be filled in the Kingdom of God?
Session 4 entitled “DAYBREAK” with speaker Bro. Ernie Abringe reminded us that we are good. The daybreak is here, and we continue to encounter Christ every day of our lives. What do we do after this conference? How can we share the light with others? It is not enough to know what is good. It is not enough to be good. We need to go out. We are the light to our family, our work, and in the society. Session 4's sharers reminded us that our limitations and disabilities don’t stop us from serving God, our mission continues no matter the challenges, and our persistence will bear fruit.
Daybreak for Singles for Christ is no longer a dream - it is happening now. We are a family, and we bring out God's goodness in each other. Awake, arise, and Christ will give you light.
I am very blessed to witness this conference and I pray that more brothers and sisters will experience an even greater grace of knowing our Great God.
And we say HELLO to JAKARTA, INDONESIA for the 27th ICON 2020! See you all brothers and sisters.
For that may God be praised!
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