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Changes By Bro. Rain Manansala

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
                                                              - Joshua 1:9

The Cluster B joint Prayer Assembly last October 2nd was a day that both Chapters B1 and B2 have waited for with nervousness and anticipation.

Change can be a scary thing. After all, it is easier to cling to the comfort of the familiar. Change can be invasive, uncomfortable and challenging: yet the Lord calls us to reach out and bring His good news to anyone and everyone, and all of that involves tremendous change in character and spirit. To do so, it also requires and attitude of obedience to the Lord's will, even if we do not understand His plans at the time.

With the Lord's grace, the Christian Life Programs of both chapters bore much fruit that it necessitated the need for a fresh reorganization and addition of a new Chapter to better serve the pastoral needs of its members. 

The evening started with the opening worship of Bro Jervy Penuliar and in his exhortation, he also reassured everyone that God will always take care of his sons and daughters.

Next came sharings from current Chapter heads and leaders who also expressed fondness for all their members, and excitement for the future relationships which will be formed with the reorganization while nurturing hope that the established brotherhood and sisterhood will remain even with the restructuring.

Then our Cluster Couple Coordinators,  Tito Rod and Tita Vicky Nocillado, spearheaded the announcement of the new Chapters and respective units and households. Chapter B1 will now be headed by Bro Jervy Penuliar and Sis Joy Albano, with Chapter B2 being entrusted to new Chapter Head Lowell Quezon with Sis Verna Moralita. And last but not the least, the newest Chapter, Chapter B3, will be headed by yours truly and Sis Arlene Braza, also a newly appointed Chapter Leader.

 As the Chapters were announced, there were noticeable and expected reactions from everyone, but I choose to look at this as a positive thing: all members who react with a tinge of sadness and longing to remain with the current Chapters prove that SFC is not only about names on an organization chart, but that the Lord really nurtures and grows real relationships and true friendships among brothers and sisters. And now, with this restructuring, the Lord will also foster new and exciting relationships among all brethren.

The Lord will always take us where He needs us: He always has a purpose in everything that He does. In this Cluster PA, He not only reassured us of His plans for everyone, but also of His everlasting presence and Spirit to remain in our hearts and minds.

May God Be Praised!


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